VCC – Tax Exemptions

Accounting Financial and tax systems concept.

The VCC is treated as a company and a single entity for tax purposes. As such, the VCC is subject to income tax in Singapore. However, the tax exemption to be had under sections 13O (referred to as “Singapore Resident Fund Scheme” or “SRF”) and 13U (referred to as “Enhanced-Tier Fund Scheme” or “ETF”) of the Income Tax Act of Singapore that are extended to VCCs.

可变资本公司(VCC) – 为什么选择新加坡


预计到 2025 年,亚太地区的资产管理规模将从 2017 年的 15.1 万亿美元增至29.6 万亿美元,约占该地区总投资规模的三分之一。如此不断上升的投资空间之中,新加坡处于战略性较强的地位,加上新加坡提供的生态系统和经济支持,可以说新加坡是建立起能辐射亚洲投资领域的基金业务的首选之地。